


《电子游戏软件》于3月11日签署成为法律, 2021年,包括高等教育的资金. 电子游戏软件于5月17日收到了HEERF二世I奖学金的通知, 2021年,并根据ARP(a)(1)的要求, 不少于8美元,715,557将用于向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

遵循美国救援计划的监管指导, 电子游戏软件已优先向有特殊需要的学生颁发HEERF二世I基金, 比如获得佩尔助学金的学生. 电子游戏软件在2021年秋季学期共有15409名学生电子游戏软件. 截至12月31日, 2022, 从8美元开始,715,高等教育资助基金第三期资助的学生部分的557, 电子游戏软件发放了高达4美元的助学金,500 to 2,159 undergraduate students with the highest demonstrated financial need 由FAFSA计算 to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID p和emic for a total of $7,437,357. 具体地说, these grants were given to undergraduate students whose family contribution toward educational expenses 由FAFSA计算 was $22,在2021-2022学年期间,学生人数不超过10,000人. 电子游戏软件也发放了高达1美元的助学金,000 to 1,418名经济需求最高的电子游戏正规平台生和法律专业学生, 由FAFSA计算, to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID p和emic for a total of $1,278,200. 具体地说, these grants were given to those graduate students whose family contribution toward educational expenses, 由FAFSA计算, 是10美元,在2021-2022学年期间,学生人数不超过10,000人.

截至3月28日, 2023, 电子游戏软件的HEERF二世I学生部分的总分配已经全部用完.

hef ii (crsa)

12月27日, 2020, 联邦立法被签署成为法律, 在其他倡议中, 创建了第二个资助项目, HEERF二世, 《电子游戏软件》. 电子游戏软件于2021年1月17日收到了HEERF二世奖学金的通知. 按照CRRSAA和ARP(a)(1)和(a)(4)方案的要求, 不少于3美元,224,288美元将用于向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

电子游戏软件在2021年春季学期共有14,843名学生电子游戏软件. 根据CRRSAA规则, 电子游戏软件已优先向有特殊需要的学生颁发HEERF二世基金, 比如获得佩尔助学金的学生. 截至3月30日, 2022, 从3美元开始,224,HEERF二世资助的学生部分的288, 电子游戏软件发放的助学金最高可达2美元,000 to undergraduate students with the highest demonstrated financial need 由FAFSA计算 to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID p和emic for a total of $2,848,688. 具体地说, 这些补助金发放给了1,590 undergraduate students whose family contribution toward educational expenses 由FAFSA计算 是10美元,在2020-2021学年期间,学费不超过10,000美元. 电子游戏软件 has also distributed grants of $500 to 751 graduate 和 law students with the highest demonstrated financial need, 由FAFSA计算, to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID p和emic for a total of $375,600. 具体地说, these grants were given to those graduate students whose family contribution toward educational expenses, 由FAFSA计算, 2020-2021学年是0美元吗.

截至6月21日, 2022, 电子游戏软件的HEERF二世学生部分的总分配已经完全用尽.

关心行动1,或HEERF I

冠状病毒援助, 救援, 和 Economic Security (CARES) Act established an approximately $14b 高等教育紧急救援基金, which allocated 75% of the funding to institutions of higher education based on the number of each institution's Pell Grant recipients 和 the remaining 25% based upon each institution's remaining total student's Full-Time Enrollment. 根据这一标准,电子游戏软件获得了大约6美元的拨款.4m. 根据《电子游戏软件》, institutions are obligated to use at least half of their allocated funding for emergency student financial aid grants. The remaining portion of an institution's CARES Act funding may be used for certain other expenses relating to the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19. 教育部已将《电子游戏软件》资金的学生部分首先提供. 

作为获得《电子游戏软件》资助的紧急学生财政援助部分的条件, the University signed 和 returned to the Department of Education a Certification 和 Agreement affirming that 电子游戏软件 will, 根据《电子游戏软件》的要求, use no less than 50% of its total CARES Act funding to provide emergency financial aid grants to students. 该认证于2020年6月5日由电子游戏软件签署. 8月6日, 电子游戏软件 received the approval to receive the funding from the Department of Education 和 the funds will be received by the institution in late August.

根据《电子游戏软件》, this portion can only be distributed to students who are eligible to participate in federal financial aid programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 你参加了整个春季学期的课程,而没有参加一个完全在线的课程. 电子游戏软件有6人,680 students who submitted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the spring 2020 semester, 4,其中683人是本科生. 截至2020年8月底, 从3美元开始,224,288的学生部分的关怀法案资金, 电子游戏软件发放的助学金最高可达2美元,000 to 1,579 undergraduate students with the highest demonstrated financial need 由FAFSA计算 to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations in the Spring of 2020 due to the COVID p和emic for a total of $2,837,643. 具体地说, these grants were given to undergraduate students whose family contribution toward educational expenses 由FAFSA计算, 是10美元,在2019-2020学年期间,学费不超过10,000美元. 电子游戏软件 has also distributed grants of up to $550 to 703 graduate 和 law students with the highest demonstrated financial need, 由FAFSA计算, to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the COVID p和emic for a total of $386,645. 具体地说, these grants were given to those graduate students whose family contribution toward educational expenses, 由FAFSA计算, 2019-2020学年是0美元吗.

截至2021年4月29日,《电子游戏软件》的学生资金已经发放. 电子游戏软件的学生部分的总分配现在已经完全用尽了.

第一个发表: 8/24/2020
第三次电子游戏正规平台: 12/22/2020
第四次电子游戏正规平台: 4/10/2021
第五次电子游戏正规平台: 5/12/2021 最后 我关心,我关心 
第七次电子游戏正规平台: 7/9/2021
第八次电子游戏正规平台: 10/6/2021
第九次电子游戏正规平台: 12/9/2021
十电子游戏正规平台: 1/7/2022
11日电子游戏正规平台: 3/30/2022
12日电子游戏正规平台: 6/21/2022 最后 HEERF二世 
13电子游戏正规平台: 10/5/2022
Forteenth电子游戏正规平台: 1/5/2023
15日电子游戏正规平台: 3/28/2023


